Make your holidays, special occasion or an ordinary day even better by bringing Sweet Jane's custom iced sugar cookies to the table. Our cookies are so fresh everyone will think you just baked them! We work closely with each customer to create the cookies that will no doubt make your party guests, family, neighbors, or anyone else lucky enough to snag a cookie delighted. Check out our custom options below. And if you don't see what you want, call Sweet Jane's to discuss making your sweet cookie dreams come true!


Cookie Cutter Options

Hearts, stars, letters, numbers, polar bear, flowers, butterfly, various Easter and Christmas options, bunny, circles, cars, cake, house, giraffe, graduation cap, ice-cream cone, flag, fish, wedding/engagement options, baseballs, basketballs, trophy, leaves, dinosaur, various baby options, Halloween options, animals and more!

Icing Options

Our buttercream icing can be made into almost any color from pink to green to gray to turquoise.  We can also write a single letter or number on most cookies.


Sprinkles make everything more fun! Chose from a variety of sparkling sugar colors, non-perils and more that Sweet Jane's offers. For a closer look, take a peak at our gallery.